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Giving at Holy Comforter

The Church isn't a charity (per se), or a business, or a hedge fund, it's people. We are the Church, and we give financially to support the mission and word of Christ. God's plan for his people is to give to his mission. We invite you to join with us in making a commitment to the work of God that is happening here at Holy Comforter. 

*PayPal has a 2% fee on all transactions made on the platform. Please bear this 2% fee in mind when you give.

If you would like to become a pledging member of Holy Comforter's, you can specify an annual amount by filling out a pledge card. 

To set up monthly contributions via ACH, please complete an authorization form indicating your preferred debit amount. Your donation will be processed around the 16th of each month. Simply submit the form to the office to get started! is a new platform we are using. It offers many different opportunities for giving. We are rolling out with the text-to-give option first!

Simply text GIVE to (844) 462-8754. For your initial gift, you will be prompted to set up a password and pin specific to you. Make your password and pin something easy to remember!  Then simply enter your debit or credit card information and gift amount.

Holy Comforter Episcopal Church


2015 Fleischmann Road

Tallahassee, FL 32308


Rector: Father Allen Hill

Office Hours


Monday to Thursday

9a - 5p



9a - 12p

Contact Us


(850) 877-2712



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