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"Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them. For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." Mark 10:11b

Sunday School for children is an integral part of Holy Comforter’s Christian Education.  Currently the children are divided into two groups, infants through age 4, and age 5 through age 10. Middle schoolers are welcome to attend as well. Both groups meet during the 10:30 service.


The smaller children meet in the nursery/classroom area on the main floor for age- appropriate Bible stories, songs, and activities. Parents drop their babies and toddlers off before church and pick them up either before the Eucharist or immediately following the service. Preschoolers can stay in church until dismissed with the older ones. Ushers will see that they get to their classroom area.


The older children begin in the sanctuary and, following a short children’s sermon and / or blessing with the priest, leave their teachers to the Education Center (outbuilding 2015-1) for Sunday School. The lessons are highly interactive and include Bible story videos, readings, discussions, games, and reinforcement activities.  Children return to the Sanctuary prior to the Eucharist. 



Anyone interested in helping with Sunday School or our younger set, please let the Church office or Julianne Chester know.  If you have a special skill or hobby that you'd like to share with the children, we'd love to make it happen!

Contact our Children and Families Ministry Director, Hannah Shelly, for more information. or by calling 850-877-2712 ext. 102

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